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Narendra Modi

The journey from being tea seller to being elected as Prime Minister of the largest democracy seems like a movie story with a fairy tale ending. This journey itself is quite inspiring. Many articles have been written about this journey. But I am not going to write about this inspirational journey in this post.

I want to write about Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi's inspirational initiative of talking to the nation via "Mann ki Baat". Shri Narendra Modi is an inspirational figure for millions of Indians and has immense immense influence over the psyche of people. His charismatic personality has resulted in millions of Indians following him blindly. This has helped him not only win general election, but also helped BJP win state elections and surprisingly even municipal elections. After being elected as Prime Minister, our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has wanted to use his status as public influencer for inspiring people. He started speaking about topics varying from cleanliness to women empowerment in his "Mann ki Baat".

Our Prime Minister is making time from his extremely busy schedule to talk to the nation about various issues that need to be discussed. The fact that he is choosing the topics based on the suggestions given by citizens is further making it highly relevant. Another aspect that I really like about "Mann ki Baat" is that Shri Narendra Modi uses national platform to highlight little known achievers, inspiring personalities, social workers etc. In a society flooded by negative stories by media, there is a need for a narrative which highlights the good that is happening in this country. Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi himself talking about these positive stories of less known people will not only inspire others, but also give hope to the nation that good times are ahead.

Thank you sir for your "Mann ki Baat". I hope that the Prime Ministers coming in future will continue with the tradition you have started.


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